
Hilarious!  I have had a draft of a blogpost about this stuff for several weeks.  I had a few lines and an idea, just hadn’t come up with a catalyst until the G&M article.

My opening line was going to be:  Curious….why is it that 20 year old models are advertising cellulite reducing creams when their ass won’t see a dimple for at least 20 years?!?

Admittedly, in the past, I have been known to purchase a tube or two of the cream in hopes it would smooth out a few spots.  Along with the cream comes “recommended” daily activities:

A cup of hot water and lemon.  Avoid added sugar in foods and eat only whole grains.  eight to 10 glasses of water a day.  Avoid smoking.  Exercise daily, even if it’s just a short walk at lunch hour.  no more than five alcoholic drinks a week.
leafy green vegetables — like kale, chard and bok choy — at least five times a week.  Avoid processed and packaged foods.  fish-oil or flaxseed oil pill.

I’m thinking the daily exercise is the key….

This model is used for a cellulite treatment ad

Mr. Wonderful read the article with a very loud chuckle.  Nivea was fined over a million dollars (900k in the US and 300k in Canada) for false advertising with claims their cellulite treatment doesn’t work as advertised.

On the other hand, I am never transplanted to that tropical island when I smell laundry detergent, nor does a large, friendly tiger play catch with me when I eat breakfast cereal.

They should use my ass for advertising to see if that stuff works.  And just maybe Tony the Tiger will show up some morning….although, at my age, I’m now eating Fibre 1.

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