Avocado Tree

Avocado sprout

Once, long ago, when I thought I knew everything, I planted an avocado seed.  I read that if you cut the seed in half, stuck toothpicks in the sides to hold it upright in a cup of water, it would sprout roots.

It did.  I planted it in soil and it grew.  I had no idea what an avocado tree would look like.  I thought it would be exotic.  There wasn’t much exotic in small town Saskatchewan, except my avocado tree.

I didn’t prune it so the stalk would beef up.  It eventually fell over and died.

Now I have many beautiful trees and flowers in a magical garden in Mexico.  I don’t have an avocado tree.  I will plant another seed, watch it grow and prune it to grow the stalk strong.

These days, I don’t know anything.  I will listen to our gardener, Solomon, and anyone else that will stand still long enough for me to learn all I can about planting and cultivating my garden in that beautiful place.  Read about my “Farm” here.

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